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Doom Eternal – Review



A few months ago, I couldn’t have cared less about watches. They’re superfluous since most people have smartphones. Even if they’re a pocket away or across the room, voice assistants are becoming a standard feature to greater convenience…and laziness. Still, these wrist clocks refuse to be anachronized due to their unique craftsmanship and place in fashion. Even smartwatches have proven the traditional, analog variant will always be timeless. My recently purchased Citizen Chandler attests to this, thanks to a horologist friend.

My point is that we often can’t predict or know what we want. I didn’t discover some desires until they were sparked by someone or something outside of me. Heck, that’s not guaranteed since—in some cases—external stimuli initially did nothing to awaken some of my interests until I reached a certain point in life when they hit differently. It’s mysterious how this happens, and sometimes magical as an intense yet pleasant surprise. I experienced this with 2016’s Doom as a bona fide first-person shooter fan. I underwent that again with Doom Eternal.

Having fervently ogled Eternal’s previews and gameplay footage before release, I knew id Software could possibly deliver the greatest FPS. I shouldn’t’ve been surprised over a supremely crafted sequel that narrowly yet comfortably clears the developer’s own highly set bars. Eternal delights as much as (if not more than) its predecessor did by moving past my notions of what “near-perfection” with FPSs looked like with Doom. What can I say? I didn’t know what I wanted then, and Eternal is here to remind us that the franchise—and its genre as a whole—is capable of so much more than we realize.

title: Doom Eternal   developer: id Software   publisher: Bethesda Softworks   release date: March 20, 2020   platform reviewed: PS4 (Screenshot courtesy of Bethesda; edits are my own)

I said in my Doom review that the game felt like learning a new exercise. It worked my first-person shooter muscles in ways they’d never been torn with gameplay characterized by greater speed, no reloading, constant movement, and the like. As I awkwardly familiarized myself with Doom, there was no looking back—the game had spoiled me with its one-of-a-kind combat and game feel. So, You’d think I’d ease right into Eternal, but I was clumsily adjusting to a slew of new mechanics, equipment, and level design all over again. And once I got the hang of things, I was entranced by and tense with every demonic engagement.

This is exemplified in the impact of the simple dodge mechanic. It’s like a short-range teleport that replaces the useless crouch mechanic from Doom. Regular strafing was satisfying enough to avoid projectiles in that game, but the dodge is far more satisfying in Eternal, and besides, you’re required to master it to play well against demons, who have quicker and tracking attacks in Eternal, respectively seen with the Hell Knight’s more aggressive nature (a much desired change!) and the Whiplash’s energy wave. Demons like the Mancubi were formally off limits at close range with their devasting fire or toxic bile attacks, but getting in their ugly faces is possible and encouraged since you can dodge in, perform a shotgun blast or melee attack, and dodge back out before you suffer their retaliation. You can close distances between yourself and a demon for a glory kill in the air or ground as well, but this can only be done horizontally, meaning you’ll have some awkward moments during combat and traversal where jumping doesn’t cover enough vertical distance to get some glory kill or swing across a pole just out of reach. This could have been addressed with dodging forward where your aim determines your vertical and horizontal trajectory, but this was likely prevented to avoid players dodging or, rather, flying through the air like Superman. An unfortunate but mildly inconvenient constraint.

Demons display battle damage with sections of their flesh ripped off by the impact of your weapon fire. It adds a lot of satisfaction when nailing a powerful blow, acting as a diagetic means to convey health bars. If most of their flesh is missing, they’re close to death! (Screenshot courtesy of Bethesda)

Whereas Doom’s platforming was boring (not the world or collectibles), the dodge mechanic in Eternal contributes to exploration’s more engaging, intentional role in the ebb and flow between platforming and combat. Timed dodges are required to avoid obstacles and reach moving platforms—all rare or nonexistent in the first game. Monkey bars play a part as well, but they’re often placed in arenas as well to swing across gaps or ascend to higher levels during combat, much like the exciting integration of the grappling hook between platforming and combat in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Speaking of that game, similarly climbable surfaces add a small yet appreciated dimension to traversal as well, and with the videogame classic of breakable walls thrown in, these doubly contribute to how well some secrets are hidden throughout levels. While I would’ve preferred that the Automap and upgrades not reveal all collectibles (trust the player to use their senses, modern games!), there are still plenty of good brainteasers despite knowing half of the collectibles’ locations. Again, it’s the challenge of how, not where, of scavenging for secrets that thankfully remains intact. As a small aside, inconsistent mantling returns with ledges not working here and there, but that doesn’t happen frequently enough to be a real concern.

Level design for combat arenas has been equally expanded. My hope for more environmental interaction has been adequately answered with traps to exploit, smartly designed to be easily triggered with shootable switches. A fair amount of levels have more pitfalls and obstacles (like slime that slows movement, acid/lava that slowly damages you, etc.) that result in shifting levels of environmental awareness from arena to arena. Most of Doom’s levels brilliantly let players not worry about falling or being hurt by environments, but Eternal switches this up at times to make where you move just as important as how you fight. Unfortunately, half of these levels underutilize their unique makeups with surprisingly short engagements. A similar complaint in contrast to Doom extends to several of Eternal’s arenas, which have large pathways I only discovered after fights, like multiplayer maps with useless sections in the back or to the side that never receive traffic. They don’t ruin the arenas; they’re just a regretful waste of space. But what’s there and used is often of supreme quality.

There’s lava everywhere in this arena, forcing you to hop from platform to platform. I would’ve enjoyed seeing more places like this. Or that the engagements last longer, since there are a rare few in the game that are unexpectedly long. They’re the most fun because they start cropping up a few hours into the campaign, right around when players should be mastering the controls.

There’s no wasted space in the way of new mechanics with new and improved equipment. Instead of briefly putting down your firearm to toss a grenade in Doom, your over-the-shoulder launcher frees you of this slight yet notable inconvenience in Eternal, which made me use grenades more. You can also switch to ice bombs that freeze enemies in their tracks—a welcome tool to escape being cornered or briefly take the pressure off some demons’ hot pursuit. My favorite aspect to the launcher is the Flame Belch, which does exactly what it sounds like it does. What makes it special is that setting foes ablaze produces armor, which varies in quantity depending on the demon. In the first game, armor lies around levels and can be gained from glory kills with a specific Rune, but this time, glory kills exclusively produce health, whereas the Flame Belch only produces armor. It profoundly influenced my approach to encounters in how I would balance the two. My preferred method is torching and then freezing them in a group, topped off with a grenade or rocket to produce a glorious explosion of frozen meat, armor, and health. It’s an example of the Flame Belch being yet another mechanic, like dodging, that pushes players to further thrive in the fray. Of course, there are other mechanics that bolster this design goal.

Just like crouch, melee was useless in Doom, but instead of axing the mechanic, it was given a new purpose in the sequel with Blood Punch. It’s a jacked-up melee fueled by glory kills that sends fodder flying or seriously wounds and staggers heavy demons. It’s odd that the Doom Slayer’s “Doomblade” (is he Batman now?) doesn’t play a role with melee-oriented attacks though, besides making glory kills more entertainingly gruesome. It would’ve been neat had it been used for something like a bayonet charge or a close-range sweep attack, but alas. That’s what the Crucible—an energy sword similar to the one in Doom—somewhat makes up for as an instant kill weapon you need charges to use. Think of it as a super chainsaw to cleave large enemies in two…or three. Those charges are far more rare than gasoline for your normal chainsaw, which, by the way, has been streamlined in application since you can instantly saw enemies by pressing one button, rather than switching and then using it with the trigger button. id Software shows how streamlining control schemes is done, sitting alongside God of War (2018) with an equally advanced and smoothly mapped-out moveset. It’s worth mentioning that the audio design greatly contributes to the ease of controls more than the UI does with crisp, distinct sound effects that always alerted me when some moves had finished recharging. And I shouldn’t have to tell you how good Mick Gordon’s techno/metal score for the game that’s as eccentric and unique as you’d expect.

The Crucible is kind of a gimmick, but it makes for a fantastic substitute if you’re out of ammo for the BFG. I’m not complaining when I whip this out to cut a Cyberdemon down to size. (Screenshot courtesy of Bethesda)

Blood Punch is uniquely effective against the Cyber-Mancubus by removing its armor in one fell swoop, and that speaks for the designers’ aim to give weapons more deliberate strengths and weaknesses. Weapon usage in the first game was founded on the distance and speed of enemies for flexible interchangeability, but Eternal leans into these even more and makes certain weapons and equipment a must with prominent demon weaknesses. Pain Elemental giving you a hard time? Switch to the Ballista (a gnarly crossbow firing Argent energy bolts) or get in close with the Super Shotgun’s Meat Hook, which is a grappling hook that speedily pulls you into enemies. Words can’t describe how satisfying it is to use, but that’s beside the point. You could shoot the Cacodemon out of the sky piece by piece, but why not pull out the grenade launcher over your shoulder or on your shotgun, since the demon swallows explosives and is instantly staggered for a glory kill? Why not shoot off a Revenant’s or normal Mancubus’s rocket launchers so they adapt weaker but more aggressive attack patterns? Intentional weapon switching was instinctive before, but now you’ll be pulling out specific solutions for specific problems that turn the loose freestyle dances of Doom into more impressive improvisation in Eternal. I rarely experience time flying by when playing videogames, but because this game is genuinely immersive and entrancing, I was added an hour when I checked the time after playing for a single hour.

There are nearly double the amount of enemies in contrast to Doom. Some are puzzlingly underused like the Cueball (an ambient enemy that soars into enemies with an explosion) and Lost Souls, but most are evenly spread throughout the entire campaign with new ones still being introduced a few hours out from the ending. Encounters feel notably more diverse in composition with an impressive assortment of heavy demons and awesome variants of the Imp (the flying Gargoyles and teleporting Prowlers) that make them more distinct in abilities. Some enemies from Doom have been replaced like the Summoner, who is filled in by the Arch-vile from Doom II. The Arch-vile not only summons flame shields and can light fires under your bum, but also buffs the demons it summons. The Summoner only let in a trickle of weaker enemies. The Arch-vile spawns a massive wave of fodder and heavy demons all at once, but players can stop it if they make a beeline for him, making his influence on combat more felt than the Summoner, which—as you can surmise—is in more ways than one. The same goes for several enemies, with one of my favorites being the Carcass. It’s a humanoid demon on metal spider legs that can generate shields to not only protect itself and others, but also block your path so you get sandwiched by demons from behind. This enemy is a phenomenal achievement in AI programming, and in Eternal, demons are never idle or slow to react to your reflexes. There were some cracks in the AI’s consistency and presence in Doom. They’re imperceptible in Eternal.

The Prowlers are so much fun to fight against since they’ll disappear in front of you, only to appear behind your back. The Carcass even has a couple more tricks up its sleeve that I won’t mention! (Screenshot courtesy of Bethesda)

But one enemy has wrought ubiquitous scorn more than any other—the Marauder. These fallen Sentinel warriors are so cool with their Argent axes and Super Shotguns, essentially making them alter egos of the Doom Slayer, as Dark Samus is to Samus in Metroid. But as sexy as Marauders are, they ruin the flow and immersion of normal combat because they’re the only enemy impervious to nearly all types of weaponry. They can only be properly taken out with the Super Shotgun or Ballista when they swoop in for a melee attack that leaves them vulnerable for a second. It’s a singular, boring weakness, and by themselves, it’s why they’re easy enough to kill. The problem is that they don’t jive with the essence of the series’ offensive gameplay with their grossly defensive prowess. Unless you’re a highly skilled player, you have to ignore the Marauder in all engagements until he’s the last foe standing, especially since he can spawn a distracting hellhound that makes fighting him more impossible in normal combat. How would you feel if you were playing Dark Souls and fighting a group of tough, aggressive Undead when, suddenly, an Invader (online player) shows up? It’s one-sided and unfair. Eternal is similar in this regard when the Marauder shows up to wreck the party. I think he (or a group) with an expanded moveset and more health would’ve made for an absolutely phenomenal boss fight akin to the Hell Guards in Doom. But that’s not what we got.

With the exception of the unique nature and grandeur of the final boss, it’s safe to say now that id Software doesn’t know what to do with bosses. The first game struggles with them since they’re bullet sponges you can circle with little to no issue. The Cyberdemon has its moments with attacks that briefly turn the gameplay into something out of a bullet hell game, but beyond that, they’re simple. The same extends to bosses in Eternal, and while they force compelling, specific movement at times (looking at the Gladiator), the depths are shallow. Adding one specialized use for a weapon in a boss fight is hardly compelling. You don’t even figure these simple weaknesses out for yourself since tutorials do the legwork at the beginning of fights. It’s honestly insulting to the player’s intelligence with a game like this, and the developer needs to realize that its bosses will remain uninspired if it’s afraid to incorporate robust movesets and multilayered weaknesses. The Doom games are hardcore. Their bosses deserve to be, too.

These guys have a wicked backstory that ties into the dramatic civil war amid the Sentinels, thanks to the Makyrs. I honestly wish id would have saved some of it for a prequel or the single-player expansions on the horizon. (Screenshot courtesy of Bethesda)

What is more hardcore are the combat challenges. Rune trials in Doom are specialized challenges with specific weapons and elements of gameplay. Eternal opts to stick with intense, timed combat hidden across levels with gore nests. There are also Slayer Gates take you to small, tight arenas that strain your skills with several minutes of vigorous combat. I looked forward to these more than the Rune trials because they felt less like filler. The rewards (Runes) for those Rune Trials are now scattered across environments, but Slayer Gates not only grant you weapon points to unlock upgrades to weapon attachments, but also go toward unlocking the Unmaykr: a weapon rivaling the BFG-9000. It’s reminiscent of older games that went the extra mile with meaningful, extra content and unlockables for completionists, not just cosmetic stuff. But there is plenty of that to find in levels, and in greater abundance, with the addition of cheat codes, music from games across id Software’s development history, and skins. Fast travel is also brought in as a quality-of-life convenience to go back and grab anything you missed after nearing the end of a mission.

These batteries are spent back at the Doom Slayer’s space base of operations called the Doom Fortress. Yes, that’s what it’s called. It reminds me of the hub worlds of the Spyro the Dragon trilogy in how you can do some minimal exploration and combat outside of levels to find a couple collectibles and unlock upgrades (with said batteries) or try out weapons and combat strategies in a practice arena. I haven’t spoken much about those upgrades since they’re largely similar to their counterparts in the original title with…well, more. You’ve got Praeter suit upgrades that improve the Automap, environmental resistances, and the launcher. Stat buffs to health, armor, and ammo reserves are upgraded with Sentinel crystals that are folded in with passive abilities (related to the launcher and drops) if you, say, unlock a combined tab of armor and health. You obtain weapon attachments the same way as before but can bypass some of their Mastery challenges with rare tokens. Weapon upgrades work similarly as well.

Just like the first time, there’s superb design language and environmental storytelling. You’ll even notice cleverly hybridized architecture for world building reasons.

I’m still convinced that chargeable, special glory kills would fit the Doom games so well. After you do a glory kill on a Marauder, why not unlock an ability where you instead briefly take the Marauder’s axe to send out a wave of Argent energy? How about sticking a grenade on a Pinkie that you spur in a selected direction like an explosive bowling ball? All the upgrades are fantastic, adding nuance and more tools to your kit for pseudo-RPG character building as you prioritize certain weapon attachments, suit upgrades, and the like depending on your playstyle. But…the idea for glory kills is there for the taking, id.

What the developer hardly needs advice on is the breathtaking art direction. Think of it as—stay with me here—the difference between Frozen and its sequel. Doom largely worked with three types of environments: the futuristic, industrial hallways of the UAC facilities, the surface of Mars, and the depths of Hell. Eternal has these and far more on a monolithic scale, doubling on environmental and color diversity. It brings home some of the first game’s epic fantasy vibes from the lore with the levels of Taras Nabad and Sentinel Prime to show off ancient, techno-medieval castle complexes. Nekroval delves deeper into the horrors of hell with a fiery castle of its own, and in between the epic fantasy are levels pulled straight out of an 80s cartoon with the Cultist Base and Doom Hunter Base, where you roam an Arctic-bound demon facility with skull designs on every possible door and archway. The direction is cheeky in its pulpiness, but the art team obviously had more fun and creative freedom in exploring a gamut of colors and architecture. Visually, Eternal is better for it with little hiccups in performance to boot.

The backdrops of levels are so much more rich and stunning in detail in Eternal than they are in Doom. Environments got a little too samey, but not this time.

In terms of story, I’m both elated and conflicted. The game leans harder into the ironic B-movie feel of Doom with even more preposterous situations that are simultaneously epic and hilarious. You’ve still got the amusing dialogue between Samuel and the Doom Slayer as their respective rationality and foolhardiness butt heads, too. Naturally, id Software is more intentional with this tone in Eternal, but I can’t shake the feeling it’s all a bit much. The “mortally challenged” joke and overall UAC propaganda is less deft in writing and delivery compared to what you hear and read in Doom. There’s this direct messianic worship of the Doom Slayer that doesn’t feel as smartly portrayed either. And as much as I love the lore, id Software up and abandoned the chilling mystery and intrigue by playing all their narrative cards with Eternal. “The History of the Sentinels — Part IX?” I loved the lore in Doom for how it teased greater depth to this universe, but there’s little left to the imagination here, as thorough and interesting as it all is.

The backstories of the Doom Slayer and main antagonists are an absolute treat to watch unfold through cutscenes and dialogue, but context is more necessary with lore entries since most characters like Samuel Hayden and the Khan Maykr talk more for the sake of exposition, whereas Doom largely had its mind on the present by highlighting the dynamics and tensions between the three main characters (the Doom Slayer, Samuel, and Olivia Pierce). In other words, players didn’t need context to understand the important stuff going on, but Eternal doesn’t feel free from that. There’s not enough time spent with several key figures like the Betrayer (who acts as a McGuffin delivery boy for one cutscene) and the Maykr society, which I would’ve loved to have had more time observing and, heck, even fighting, since id Software decided these guys shouldn’t join the ranks of the only Maykr enemy type. It partially speaks for what I said earlier about Eternal feeling like a bit much, even if the gallivanting pace and juggling of more characters and lore had me wide eyed at all times. It’s like how I love my Oreos. Double Stuf is just right, but Mega Stuff is pushing it, and The Most Stuf? It tastes good, but I’d soon rather go back to Double Stuf. Ah, stuffed. That’s Eternal’s story and my feeling toward it.

“C U L T I S T  K E Y.” Makes me chuckle every time.


id Software’s game producers and designers should be praised for improving upon the clear, confident vision set in stone by Doom. The smart additions and tweaks to the sequel reinforce the speedy, aggressive identity of the franchise’s gameplay, and the level design with platforming and arenas play huge roles in this success with unexpected and requested features alike. It’s a more artistically mesmerizing, galactic tour de force as well, even if aspects of its overall narrative and tone are respectively bloated and overly enthusiastic. In summary, Doom is like a bicycle with the training wheels taken off. Doom Eternal is like transitioning to a motorcycle—it’s faster, louder, and badass beyond belief.

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How Call of Duty: Ghosts Can Transcend Its Predecessors




This article was originally published as a user blog post on Game Informer.

Part 1

Sooner or later, a lot of good things come to an end. Enjoyable periods in life, friendships, and our favorite TV shows either abruptly halt or gradually fade away into history and our memory banks of nostalgia. The same applies to video games in a more-than-average way. Franchises and series that thousands upon thousands of fans love have died out or remained in a cryogenic, sleep-like state for years. Spyro The Dragon and Crash Bandicoot – crazy, fun 3D platformers with memorable worlds and characters – got stuck in the dreaded mess of being handed around by mediocre developers until their original creative vision and charm was lost (and no, I personally don’t consider “Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure” a true revitalization of the Spyro games I loved as a kid). Mother 4, Half-Life 3, Beyond Good and Evil 2, and Star Wars: Battlefront 3 are only a couple of other games that gamers desperately want to experience, but will probably never be able to due to difficult developmental cycles and/or reality’s sting.

Anyway, I digress. What I’m trying to get at is that Call of Duty will eventually die out like anything else. Sure, it’ll take a long time, but it will very likely be due to oversaturation and “fun factor” stagnation. The yearly releases of this franchise with the formula largely remaining the same will eventually grow old to consumers. I have a friend that believed he wouldn’t get tired of Call of Duty only about a year ago, but he’s shocked to find himself feeling this way about it now. I talked about this growing problem in my first blog post, so you can check it out for my full opinion on this matter. My main point in it is this: Treyarch and Infinity Ward need to strike that difficult chord between innovation and familiarity. Make Call of Duty something that’s recognizable each year, but implement some big changes once in a while. How about a different approach to the style of gameplay (in terms of going from heavy action to an emphasis on stealth) while keeping the mechanics the same? How about branching out to a different genre like Third Person Shooter? At least Treyarch has attempted to do this to a noticeable degree and succeeded in some ways with their takes on Call of Duty. Black Ops 2 contains their most obvious experiments: Real-Time Strategy elements in the gameplay of some campaign missions, multiple story pathways with moral consequences, and a revamped Create-a-Class system for the multiplayer. However, these still aren’t and haven’t been enough to get me to come back to Call of Duty multiple times throughout any given week like I used to do. What needs to be done?

With the recent unveiling of Call of Duty: Ghosts, I think it’s the perfect time to address what the next installment in this gargantuan franchise could do to stand out as a truly unique and innovative title in comparison to its predecessors. I have a few things I’d love to see in the campaign (part 1), multiplayer, and a third mode different to or expanding upon Spec Ops and/or Survival Mode (part 2). Without further ado, let’s unmask my thoughts…


1. Diverse Missions Primarily Driven by Stealth Tactics, Equipment, and Settings

Some of my all-time favorite missions from the Call of Duty campaigns are the ones involving stealth. “All Ghillied Up” from Call of Duty 4 and “Cliffhanger” from Modern Warfare 2 are packed with tense scenarios to keep out of the sight of enemies while having to also surgically take them down. However, these sorts of missions make up a small percentage of all the campaigns because Call of Duty is primarily known for explosive, unbelievable shootouts. But what if Ghosts switched gears by having a majority of stealth missions with some epic shootouts here and there? This would surely make for a change of pace that offers up a myriad of new possibilities for Ghosts’ campaign. For starters, new mechanics could be added to the solid FPS gameplay that give more control to the player, such as being able to control where the player wants his teammates positioned, commanding who to kill, and which equipment to use in a given situation. This would be something similar to what Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and Brothers in Arms have done and I believe it would bode very well with Ghosts (as exemplified in the RTS gameplay in Black Ops 2).

The equipment possible for a stealth-themed Call of Duty is absolutely awesome in concept. I don’t know where to begin with the possibilities! The CornerShot would be an awesome gun to see in the Call of Duty arsenal, as well as plenty of new attachments for other stealthy weaponry. Camouflage for soldiers is a given, and something like “Octocamo” and “FaceCamo” from Metal Gear Solid 4 could open up for plenty of new opportunities for missions. What if there were moments that required precise timing to blend into the environment? The amount of nerve-wracking situations that could result from this alone could craft the campaign into an exciting, edge-on-your-seat experience that doesn’t require explosions and close-shaves from utter destruction.

Last, but not least, Ghosts could have the most breathtaking environments out of any of the Call of Duty games. I can see it now: watching a sunrise on red mountaintops and desert valleys; crouching down in a midnight storm through a thick jungle; sneaking through an old, seemingly abandoned factory of cold, rusted steel; wandering through an underground network of caves with waterfalls, stalactites, and perilous drops. These are simply a few suggestions; Infinity Ward has the chance to use time of day, unexpected locations, and massive scope to blow away gamers in the visual sense. When everything is blowing up and there’s no time to slow down, nothing can be appreciated to its fullest extent. That can change for Ghosts if it takes a stealthy approach, especially since it will have a new engine.

2. A Grounded Story with Relatable Objectives, Twists and Turns, and Depth

Most of the stories of Call of Duty have the simplistic, typical plots you would expect from a military shooter: bad guys have powerful nuclear weapon, so good guys must stop them. However, this would be an unfair description of Treyarch’s games. The Black Ops series has the most developed story in the franchise, which has great characters like Sergeant Reznov and Alex Mason, unexpected plot twists, and a surprisingly compelling narrative. I want Infinity Ward to learn from Treyarch’s work and make it better.

Each story needs an introduction, and Ghosts will be no exception. It’s a “new chapter” for the franchise according to an executive producer at Infinity Ward, so I will be expecting a breakdown on what’s been going on, what needs to happen, why these things are happening, and who’s who. Many games like Call of Duty make the mistake of briefly describing what’s going on followed by immediately jumping into the middle of the action without a cohesive goal or reason to care about what’s going on. Everything we do is backed up by beliefs, values, and motives. For example, the end of Modern Warfare 3 is one of the most potent levels in the whole trilogy. Captain Price is on a personal vendetta that’s absolutely relatable, and it explodes into an adrenaline-pumping mission that isn’t just exciting due to the action, but because of the objective itself. Therefore, reasons for combat should be understandable, clear, and effectively introduced throughout the entire story of a video game that requires this, and I believe Call of Duty is one such game. Once this is out of the way, the story should be bolstered with a logical pace; let the player have freedom of choice for the combat and/or story outcomes (Black Ops 2 was a large step in the right direction); create goals for the characters and outcomes for their decisions that are worth caring about, and throw in a couple of unbelievable, emotional plot twists that make sense. The list goes on, and I’m no storywriter, but I know a good story when I see one. If Ghosts can do this – and I know it’s possible – then we’ll be in for one of the most shocking surprises later this year.

3. Relatable Characters with Backstories, Unique Personalities, and Humanity

One of the biggest challenges facing any video game developer is trying to build a connection between players and a character(s). Examples I can personally conjure up that succeed in this regard are The Walking Dead (by Telltale Games), Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, and Journey. How do these games manage to do this? Common threads I see woven together in this area include believable, relatable backstories. Characters that have a history instantly become more interesting to anyone. They can be surprising, horrifying, ordinary, or mysterious as long as they’re meaningful because they can bring out the curiosity and emotion of gamers. Likewise, personalities are a key strength to strong characters. What would be the opposite of this when it comes to Ghosts? That would be serious, battle-hardened soldiers that shut up, follow orders, and crack some quip or corny phrase every now and then. Uh, how about no? Look at military films and TV shows like Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers. They show that soldiers have diverse personalities, strengths, weaknesses, differing views, and most importantly, humanity. This is true for soldiers in reality, and there’s no reason that this can’t be emulated to some effect in a game. You need only look to The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls, which are posed to have some of the strongest characters in any game yet (the recent Bioshock: Infinite is another example too). No one should have to search for and try hard to care about someone. It comes naturally to all of us in life, and fiction has the uncanny ability to connect us with the imaginary in all sorts of ways. Although we’re talking about Call of Duty, the potential is there for Ghosts to accomplish this.

4. An Electrified, Gritty Soundtrack with Tensity and Spine-Chilling Beauty

Hans Zimmer may have been the helm of the Modern Warfare 2 soundtrack, but I’ll never forget Harry Gregson-William and Stephen Barton’s score for Call of Duty 4. Or more specifically, the main menu theme he composed for it. It has this sense of quiet severity brought out by eerie, heavy strings and odd echoing sounds. This is how I would imagine the majority of Ghosts’ soundtrack. The bombastic orchestral songs from most of the Call of Duty games are great, but they shouldn’t be the prominent type of music in Ghosts. Soundtracks like the ones for the Metal Gear Solid series invoke the vibe I’m looking for. After all, being stealthy is a scary, risky, and nerve-wracking thing to perform, so the music of the game should define it to enhance the immersion of Ghosts.

5. Significant Improvement to the Engine, AI, and Realism

It’s been quite a while since Call of Duty has changed its game engine. In fact, the Call of Duty 4 engine has been used for over 5 years for each game with small adjustments and improvements. This streak is finally ending with a supposedly new game engine coming to Ghosts. This will hopefully be accompanied with significantly updated graphics that improve important things like textures, lighting, and physics. Another area people have always wanted to see improved is the Artificial Intelligence. Instead of enemies normally hiding behind cover and sticking their heads out in ridiculous ways, there should be more strategies for them to execute. They should have some unpredictable movements, truly try to defend themselves instead of running out into the open, and react with one another in creative ways. All of these things in consideration contribute to enhancing the realism of Call of Duty, which could be applied to every area of Ghosts. I know that people laugh at the idea of an FPS (let alone Call of Duty) being realistic, but at least games like Battlefield 3 and Medal of Honor: Warfighter have accomplished this goal to certain extents. The former excels in visual, equipment, and vehicle realism, whereas the latter attempts to show the emotional and personal effects that war has on soldiers and their families.

I concede that this is some major wishful thinking, but the “realism” I’m hoping for isn’t impossible. Developers will never be able to replicate reality (or not for a very long time, at least), but that doesn’t mean they can’t imitate it in the best way that games are capable of doing.

6. Campaign Co-op and DLC Missions

Not a lot of developers attempt to add DLC to campaign experiences that would benefit from it. However, Dead Space 3 and Bioshock: Infinite are two recent examples of games that are going against the curve. Call of Duty has always had the potential to do this as well, but simply never has. If Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops had DLC missions that centered on their prominent characters (like Ghost and Reznov, respectively), I would have been all over them. The reasons why are that they could have expanded on the Call of Duty stories or even offered alternate timelines in addition to new vehicles, weapons, and locations to use. And I’m not just talking about a 30-minute/one hour-long mission every couple of months, but one mission every month in the form of episodic releases like The Walking Dead. The exciting anticipation that would come with this kind of release strategy for campaign DLC in Ghosts could be something ingenious.

Multiplayer DLC may offer new maps to play online, but campaign DLC would be a new and fresh addition to Call of Duty that many people would be more than willing to try out. And not only this, but it could entice players that only play the multiplayer to dive into the campaign, especially if it could be played cooperatively like World at War’s campaign. It may not have been a popular feature in that game, but with DLC and a squad of main characters (as indicated by the reveal trailer), Ghosts would make for the ultimate return of co-op (maybe even up to four players) for the campaign…and why not?

I will try to return with my suggestions for the multiplayer and third mode (Part 2) in a week or two. I didn’t expect to rant for so long on the campaign, so I hope this doesn’t come across as being spread out too thin. Other than that, what are you hoping to see in Call of Duty: Ghosts? If you were in charge of the franchise and could do anything with it, how would you alter it? Do you currently like Call of Duty, enjoyed it in the past, or were never fond of it? Shout out in the comments below, and please ask any questions you may have about my points (it was hard to get them right!). Thanks for reading!

Part 2

Gamers around the world know that the crowning jewel of the Call of Duty franchise is the multiplayer. It has not only been the reason why it is the most successful entertainment franchise in history, but it has also contributed to transforming and molding the game industry ever since the groundbreaking Call of Duty 4 was released in 2007. While there are a majority of people that consider the franchise to be an epidemic that’s degrading the quality of many AAA games and negatively influencing the business practices of the game industry’s big publishers (and I can’t say I disagree in some respects), no one can or should deny the progress and evolution of the spectacular multiplayer that Call of Duty boasts. However, as a long-time fan of the multiplayer, I’ll admit that it’s gotten a bit stale over the years. Although there have been signs of significant progress (such as the excellently revamped Create-a-Class in Black Ops 2), I’ve found myself truly invested in the multiplayer for only a couple of months, whereas I used to consistently play it until the next release from Call of Duty 4 up until Modern Warfare 2. For the growing amount of gamers like me in this situation, what needs to be accomplished to reinvigorate an already excellent multiplayer formula with new ideas? That’s an extremely difficult question to answer.

A little over a week ago, I discussed a couple of things Infinity Ward can do for the campaign of Call of Duty: Ghosts that could rejuvenate this slowly waning franchise for everyone. To my surprise, the Xbox One conference confirmed that a significant number of my suggestions are indeed being addressed (better character development, diverse environments, improved graphical fidelity, etc.). Although I found the emphasis on canine companions to be a bit odd (albeit this has potential to spice up the gameplay in interesting ways), color me more impressed than I thought I would be!

I was also shocked to see a sneak peek at the multiplayer, which has always had separate reveals from the campaigns as far as I know. Thankfully, not much was revealed to the point where my suggestions on it would be irrelevant now. Only two major additions to it were announced, so I will discuss them both later on (even though one of them was one of my original suggestions). I will also be addressing the third mode, which will include my thoughts on improving the established Spec Ops mode and possibilities for a new mode. Let’s go ahead and jump in.


1. An Interactive Create-a-Class System with Meticulous Customization

Medal of Honor: Warfighter’s multiplayer – despite being mediocre – has a customization system called “My Solider” that I’ve always wanted to see in Call of Duty (albeit lengthy, this video shows it off). Instead of providing pictorial visuals to navigate through weapons and what not, Warfighter does this in a first person view. The soldier interacts with the equipment the player chooses to select and (obviously) provides a 100% identical perspective on how it will look on the battlefield. But why not take this a step further? Instead of having to practice with configurations after creating them in real or private matches, why not provide a training area to test attachments and weapons that can be accessed instantaneously? Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier does this (as demonstrated by its impressive unveiling with Kinect), and with the little time I spent with the multiplayer, I found it convenient to experiment with my classes on the fly. Back to Warfighter, it also shows a group of soldiers that represent a player’s classes. Although customization in terms of armor and cosmetics is not possible in this game, it will be in Ghosts (as confirmed by the Xbox One conference). What’s better is that it could take the same visual approach as Warfighter, but with full 3D rotating of soldiers for easy customization. In fact, this is very similar to what Black Ops did for its Create-a-Class system. Here’s hoping that Infinity Ward’s take on it will be the snazziest and deepest one yet.

How about the actual system itself? What could be altered to further perfect it? Black Ops 2 already has a fantastic system that is one of the greatest changes to the multiplayer formula, and I would like to see it carried over to Ghosts. The “Pick 10” concept really shakes things up for making classes. Two sniper rifles with a load of attachments and no perks? No weapons at all with six perks? These options and countless others make Create-a-Class a more personal, creative, and fun way to experiment with classes. I think Ghosts should simply expand on this with an increase in options, such as a new perk tier, more attachments, actual modifications to weapons that change all sorts of stats, etc. When it comes to killstreaks, the only thing I would change is that individual classes should have their own three (or perhaps four due to a new perk?) killstreaks to choose from. Modern Warfare 3 got this right, but Black Ops 2 did not. I’d love to see this return for Ghosts.

2. Desirable Challenges That Enhance Replay Value With Enticing Rewards

Call of Duty 4 and Black Ops stick out in my mind when I think of multiplayer challenges. The former has challenges for achieving a certain amount of headshots to acquire a colorful variety of camos, which I remember feverishly striving for to earn. The latter had daily challenges that rewarded players with “CoD Points” for completing them in a specific timeframe. Both of these features should return for Ghosts in their basic forms because were motivating goals that I enjoyed pursuing. However, I’ve still ignored most of the challenges because they offer nothing of importance to me. Each Call of Duty has had sections full of them to complete for XP…that’s simply not enough. If I’m going to extirpate, oh, say, 50 enemies by using a specific environmental hazard, I’m not doing that just for an emblem/callsign and XP. How about a unique accessory for a specific weapon/attachment or a new item to decorate my solider with (maybe even “limited edition” items that can only be earned in a certain timeframe)? Let’s imagine something entirely different. What if there was a currency system specifically designed for challenges that unlocked a plethora of items ranging in price and, therefore, desirability? Earning all sorts of unlockables that convey worth and certain statuses give something for players to aim for after going through all the weapons and leveling up; it’s a list of objectives that could be fun to earn and talk about with friends.

3. A Few Creative, New Modes That Focus On Teamwork and Strategy

‘Free-for-all’ naturally connotes the concept that a person is to fend for themselves against other opponents with the same objective. Unfortunately, this leaks on over to team-based modes in plenty of games, and Call of Duty is a prime example. It’s not like I have always been trying to encourage this either. The multiplayer can be easily played alone in almost every mode, so what can remove this roadblock to cooperation? To be honest, I don’t believe it can be done due to the intrinsic ‘lone-wolfness’ of Call of Duty…but it can be improved to some extent.

Not only is this ‘lone-wolfness’ natural to fall into, but encouraged as well. I’d rather play solo than associate with the overwhelmingly immature, vulgar perverts that play the multiplayer (with their incessant swearing, obscene profanities, and what have you). However, there’s the smaller amount of close-knit friends that want to have a good time, work together, and make fun memories, and they’re the kind of people (such as me and my friends) that this point is aimed at. As for what I have in mind, I’ll firstly suggest something similar to Counterstrike’s “Hostage Rescue” mode, which charges one team with retrieving a group of civilians held captive by the opposing team.  What would make this unique in Ghosts is that the opposing team keeps the hostages in a large building/area that they cannot leave. Therefore, the rescuers must find a way to distract the other team from the outside (where they spawn), infiltrate the building/area, and escort the hostages back to base. However, every player only has one life, so playing wisely is key. This could be viewed as a hybrid of Capture the Flag (strategy) and Search and Destroy (nerve-wracking pressure). Another mode I’m interested in is a “Capture the Leader” mode, which is well known from Gears of War. For Call of Duty, I think the mode could be altered to be like this: both teams are individually tasked with protecting one of their players (leaders) that has slightly better armor, weapon damage, speed, and overall stats than his/her teammates. However, if one of these leaders dies, it’s game over (I can see this lasting for four rounds in one game). This could result in some tense moments, especially if respawns are timed (probably ranging from 5-10 seconds). This would push players to stick together with their leader, but would also force them to be strategic in how they attack their enemies.

You can see the kind of pattern I’ve established with modes I would enjoy seeing in the next Call of Duty. Do you think the ones I’ve specifically addressed are appealing? Please add to my thoughts with your own ideas in the comments!

4. Exciting Cutscenes to Begin Matches, End Matches, etc.

This is more of a personal thing I’d like to have in the multiplayer. It’s inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but rappelling down a rope from a helicopter; emerging from a jungle, or even parachuting down from a mountainside would be neat scenes to behold that play out while players wait for a match to start. And the same goes for ending a match, which could go out with boarding a jeep while fist bumping squad mates, riding away on motorcycles as a team blows the map up with C4, etc. I understand this is a silly point to include, but it’s nevertheless something I’ve always wanted to happen before and after matches in Call of Duty.

5. Interactive and Destructible Environments

I was originally going to only talk about destructible environments, but the Xbox One conference confirmed that multiplayer maps are going to have elements that allow players to exploit their surroundings in creative ways. In the gameplay trailer, a hefty bundle of tree trunks on the side of a hill (assuming to be triggered by a player) came crashing down on anyone unfortunate enough to be below. What if a player could set a wrecking ball loose on an abandoned construction site? Or how about irritating a nest of killer wasps (by shooting or damaging it in some way) as an enemy unsuspectingly walks by? Options like these make environments more pivotal to the player; a map is no longer just a place to be on, but partly becomes a weapon that can be used to someone’s advantage. This, in turn, could make the multiplayer of Ghosts a bit more immersive.

Destructible environments could increase this immersion a tad more as well. Battlefield 3 proudly shows off that its engine is capable of this, so why should Ghosts be an exception as a next-gen title? Wooden doors and concrete walls should eventually give way to prolonged fire, which would force players to stay on their toes at all times. Airstrikes and small explosives should weaken small buildings or structures that alter the flow of a battle and mix things up in unexpectedly new ways. Since Call of Duty’s multiplayer maps are relatively small, more chaos in this regard is exciting in prospect.

6. Gore

I know it may appear morbid that I want gore in Ghosts, but let’s contemplate on why I do before we jump to the conclusion that I have a sadistic side. First: a question. What happens when a grenade blows up under someone’s feet, a 50-caliber bullet penetrates through a skull, or a shotgun is fired at an arm at close range? Well, the only logical conclusion is that the appendage or vital body part being assaulted will either – so to speak – disintegrate into nothing or fly right off. Strangely enough, World at War is the only Call of Duty to incorporate gore like this. Sure, it’s not necessary, but when an AC-130 rains down missiles and bullets that can tear or obliterate a man into pieces in real life, observing characters’ bodies fall down completely intact (no matter how they die) in every other Call of Duty is ridiculously incongruous to what should be happening. I’m not advocating that the more gruesome violence there is, the better the game is. What I’m saying is that it should be realistically portrayed (but not to the point of being immaturely excessive) in a video game that’s attempting to be realistic in many ways. This is one area that’s absolutely possible for Ghosts to add, and it’s not like the developers haven’t wanted to do it (Treyarch has specifically said that they’ve been limited by disk space). And for those who are turned off by strong violence, then there should be an option to turn it off if possible. However, once again, this is an issue that doesn’t really impact the multiplayer experience. It’s simply something I would like to see return for Ghosts.

That’s all I got for the multiplayer. I could certainly point out a couple more things, but what I’ve covered already is what I’ve primarily been thinking about. This leads on to my final thing to cover: the third mode. Ever since World at War, every subsequent Call of Duty has had “Zombies” or “Spec Ops.” The former is a massively successful mode that became a surprise hit with Treyarch’s games, and I haven’t gotten tired of it. The latter, while fun to play with friends in Modern Warfare 2, lost its luster (specifically for me) in Modern Warfare 3. Although this was dampened by the addition of the “Survival” mode, it wasn’t enough to keep me coming back. It felt like more of the same thing from the second game, and I (including my friend) became disinterested in Spec Ops after the first few missions. I’m hoping that Ghosts will not send players on more random missions and uninspired survival quests this time around.


1. Spec Ops Missions That Delve Into Campaign’s Characters’ Past Missions With No Recycled Maps (For The Most Part)

If I’m going to play an entirely separate mode from the campaign, I shouldn’t expect a majority of recycled places from it. It would be much more enjoyable to explore new areas of locations I’ve already been to or entirely new environments. Unless the reasoning behind a recycled area makes sense (such as playing as soldiers that cleared out a building for the player in the campaign), there should be different locations to traverse in Spec Ops. Some cutscenes that don’t pull away from the gameplay would be a nice addition to the quality of the missions as well. And for good measure, why not tie some of them into the campaign’s story? Let’s say a character recalls a battle he participated in with some sort of emotional reaction in the campaign…wouldn’t it be cool to play through it later on in Spec Ops? Further delving into the past of the cast of Ghosts would be far more interesting than playing as random soldiers pursuing an objective for the sake of, well, explosions and stuff. And since the game takes place after devastating events leave the USA in shambles, why not have some missions that explain the story and explore the environments that precede the campaign? There could be so much more meaning behind the game’s content here than from previous installments by Infinity Ward.

2. Four-Player Survival Mode With Large, Unique Maps, Equipment, and Canonical/”What if?” Stories

In Part 1 of this blog, I mentioned how the campaign has the potential to allow up to four players to play together, which opens up the enticing opportunity for campaign DLC. Imagine being able to go through this with a group of friends that not only provides new locations and weapons, but even a story that could add to the anticipation of waiting to see what happens next. If this were not to happen (or, better yet, if it’s additionally possible), I would also like a true expansion on the survival mode introduced in Modern Warfare 3. Not two players, but four. Not recycled maps from multiplayer, but unique ones designed exclusively for this mode. Not random survival, but survival with a basic purpose, or, in other words, a little backstory behind it. A “What If?” story that shows an alternate timeline branching out from the campaign would be interesting (revealed through dialogue and thorough analyzing of maps, like in Treyarch’s Zombies mode). Perhaps the story could be canonical…focusing on a completely different squad of soldiers to show another side of the world that Infinity Ward is creating for Ghosts.

3. A Mode Based on a Different Game Genre

Treyarch cleverly added a shockingly good mode called “Dead Ops Arcade” to Black Ops, which is a top-down shooter with waves of zombies to defeat. Once a certain amount of them has been killed, the player(s) can progress to other areas and continue to unlock special abilities, earn currency, and use special weapons along the way. What if Ghosts had something eccentric like this? How about a 16-bit side-scrolling shooter or a third person shooter? I’d easily welcome Call of Duty in new forms like these as small modes. They’d sure be interesting distractions from the main content of the game!

4. No Third Mode at All

This may seem like a ridiculous or shallow point, but I honestly think this wouldn’t be a bad idea. After all, Call of Duty 4 only has two main modes (campaign and multiplayer), and it still stands as one of the best games in the franchise. The reason why is that – to use a cliché – quality trumps quantity. So, instead of the common 7-10 hour campaign for Ghosts, Infinity Ward could dump the third mode and create a 15-18 hour-long campaign instead (thereby resolving one of the biggest complaints about Call of Duty: the campaigns are way too short). More maps could be made for the multiplayer and (hypothetically speaking) an effort could be made to pump out substantial campaign DLC on a monthly basis. In perspective, this point isn’t as crazy as it might seem. This sacrifice could make the other parts of Ghosts even better and hopefully worth the trade-off.

I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts on the multiplayer and third mode for Call of Duty: Ghosts. But enough from me; the multiplayer is a social experience, so what do my fellow Gameinformer members want to see in it? Any particular modes, weapons, mechanics, or changes you think would suit the game best? What about the third mode? Would you like to see the return of Spec Ops, something completely different, or maybe even nothing (in exchange for more depth in the campaign and multiplayer)? Post a comment below with your ideas, and thank you for reading the second and final part of this blog!

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The Last Guardian And The Fruits Of Patience (Gamechurch)




The Last Guardian opens with a creature named Trico roaring in your face. It’s wounded, chained, and starved—not the best time to befriend it, but you’re left with little choice since you’re both trapped in a pit. You’re then prompted to remove its metal leash and the spears stuck in its body. You feed it barrels filled with an energizing, blue liquid as well. Trico remains hostile by kicking you away twice, but once it stands up and shakes away its cumbersome shackles, the creature stares into your character’s eyes as its feathers float around the room. It’s hard to convey how, but the eyes seem to say, “Thank you.”

The Last Guardian confronts us with our own self-centeredness and challenges us . . . to give rather than merely take.

This is how the game establishes a rapport between you and Trico. While the story is linear, your experience can be profoundly unique compared to another player’s session. It relies on your reception to the game’s message about practicing patience.

Because The Last Guardian is a video game, you’d assume Trico should be designed to impeccably carry out commands and go wherever you  desire, much like D-Dog in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain or chocobos in Final Fantasy XV. However, Trico is unruly and unpredictable. It can refuse your demands and hesitate to offer help with platforming and puzzle challenges.

This rare AI companion throws a wrench in our accustomed expectations: Trico is intentionally irrational. Creative director Fumito Ueda said, “This creature isn’t like the cute pets that exist in other games, or an ally that’s really useful. The role of the creature is ambiguous; that’s something we wanted to express in the game, and it doesn’t always do what you ask it to do. That’s one of the themes of The Last Guardian” (Edge Magazine, July 2016, p. 66).


Ueda invites players to think about how they treat Trico. Is this creature a pet that you console, feed, and give attention to? Or is it a self-sustaining companion who exists to do what you say without a hitch? Do you roll your eyes at Trico or cater to its curiosities and fears? Just as “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Psalm 103:8) toward us, Trico tests our capacity to act similarly toward others.

In his book Respectable Sins, the late Jerry Bridges describes impatience as “a strong sense of annoyance at the (usually) unintentional faults and failures of others.” He believes this arises out of “our own attitude of insisting that others around us conform to our expectations.” It’s a natural response we unfairly attribute to Trico since we expect video games with flawless companions, but the creature’s designed limitations should give us pause about our irritability and the reality of raising a wild animal.

Just as “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” toward us, Trico tests our capacity to act similarly toward others.

Depending on how Trico is treated, it will actually improve in its responsiveness and behavior. It is uncooperative if you don’t alleviate its hunger with optional barrels or pull spears from its body. Should you do these things, it will start predicting your commands and be more affectionate. This shift is antithetical to its base nature, making your bond even more precious as your kindness and love slowly displace the beast’s instincts and savagery.

My relationship with Trico reminded me of the curious nature of redemption for animals that C.S. Lewis outlined in The Problem of Pain: “Now it will be seen that, insofar as the tame animal has a real self or personality, it owes this entirely to its master. If a good sheepdog seems ‘almost human’ that is because a good shepherd has made it so.” In that sense, The Last Guardian confronts us with our own self-centeredness and challenges us to endure, build trust with Trico, and give rather than merely take. Our patience not only grows, but is also evident in Trico as you learn to labor in love for each other.

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